Help for Immigrants in the U.S.

Financial assistance to newcomers. Many immigrants come to the United States, and some of them are without a place to live, a means of support, or access to legal documentation. Nonetheless, there exist initiatives that support immigrants in guaranteeing the fulfillment of their basic human rights, including access to clothing, food, and shelter.

This article examines a few resources that can assist immigrants in locating financial support for rent, bills, food, and medical care. The groups offer assistance and put migrant workers in touch with neighborhood nonprofits and community initiatives.

Welcome to the United States

Due to their availability as low-cost labor for lodging facilities, hotels, and restaurants, immigrants are drawn to the United States in large numbers. But many immigrants have found it difficult to maintain a roof over their heads or obtain medical care during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Undocumented immigrants might find it difficult to get financial assistance. The majority of undocumented immigrants enter the nation unlawfully or remain there after their visas expire. Being an undocumented immigrant is a civil violation that carries a deportation penalty rather than a criminal one.

Help for Undocumented Immigrants in the Biden Administration

There will be a lot of beneficial improvements to assist both undocumented and regularized immigrants under the next Biden government. A route to citizenship is provided for immigrants by the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. Additionally, it grants legal status to farm laborers, popularly known as “dreamers,” who will be qualified for work permits and will no longer have to worry about being deported under this administration. One can finally get permanent residency and become a naturalized citizen after a few years.

Organizations and Programs That Help Immigrants

The Union for American Civil Liberties

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a group committed to upholding peoples’ liberties and rights in public spaces such as courts and legislatures. They are working on a project specifically to defend the rights of all immigrants.

The group holds that everyone’s right to equal protection and due process is guaranteed by the Constitution, regardless of immigrant status. To offer legal assistance to immigrants, they collaborate with other groups like Inmigrante Justice Corps, Mijente, and United We Dream.

Furthermore, the ACLU is leading a number of legal campaigns and battles that aim to overturn laws that bar immigrants from accessing the courts, as well as unjust laws that enforce mandatory or indefinite detention and other anti-immigration measures like “show your papers” laws.

Website: American Civil Liberties Union
Phone: +1 (212) 549 – 2500

The Florence Project

Another group that tries to help detained immigrants in Arizona by offering social and legal services is called The Florence Project. They assist adults as well as children who are alone. Those facing deportation procedures are not given public defenders or attorneys by the government.

Consequently, a large percentage of immigrants (about 86%) do not rely on them since they cannot afford to hire their own. Despite having its headquarters in Arizona, the Florence Project collaborates with other localities to offer services all across the country.

Other Services Provided by The Florence Project

The Florence Project offers legal and educational services to ensure that immigrants are informed of their rights and are represented in court. Additionally, they have a whole department devoted to helping children who are detained and unaccompanied. Direct or pro bono legal representation is provided for these kids. They also try to educate them on what to anticipate in court.

The Florence Project is an expert in you and T visas, special immigrant youth visas, and child asylum. People who have survived crime or human trafficking are protected by these documents. They also offer integrated social services, outreach and advocacy initiatives, and mental health programs in addition to these two programs.

Website: The Florence Project
Phone: +1 (602) 307 – 1008

Save the Children

An organization called Save the Children works to assist children in need both domestically and abroad. They have assisted children detained because of immigration problems and are currently working especially to give families packages containing health information and hygiene products in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Save the Children offers initiatives aimed at assisting children in the US to thrive in school and in life, in addition to healthcare services. Programs for early education, literacy, health, and disaster preparedness are used to achieve this.

Furthermore, they offer global programs spanning over 100 nations, encompassing health, education, and protection initiatives. Lastly, Save the Children is fighting to alter laws that are damaging children who are trying to enter the country.

Website: Save the Children
Phone: +1 (800) 728-3843

Texas Civil Rights Project

Three primary areas of focus for the Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP) include voting rights, racial and economic fairness, and criminal justice reform. Certain programs are intended especially to assist immigrants. In order to offer full legal representation to detained and separated immigrant families, they first solicit the assistance of multiple law firms.

They strive to provide bilingual attorneys to people in need and, when necessary, employ translators. In order to properly chronicle the situation, the Texas Civil Rights Project also interviews families. They strive to ensure that families are reunited as soon as possible using that paperwork. Additionally, they provide programs to assist individuals in determining their eligibility to vote and how to do so.

Website: Texas Civil Rights Project
Phone: +1 (512) 474 – 5073

How Legal Aid Assistance Helps Immigrants

A nonprofit organization called Legal Aid works to uphold the human rights of minorities. Although the group doesn’t offer financial aid, it does have a nationwide network and ties to other charitable organizations.

While you wait for the approval of your green card or to start the naturalization process, you can speak with a Legal Aid professional if you are facing unemployment or eviction. Legal aid professionals are well-known for assisting immigrants in obtaining shelters around the nation or winning cases.

When you lack the funds to retain a competent attorney, they are a great alternative for legal concerns. For guidance on your circumstances, speak with your local agency. They can assist you move forward and obtain funding from local charity.

Website: Legal Aid
Phone: 202 452 0620

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